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Gravity eventually affects the way we look. Skin begins to wrinkle and lines start to form on the face, as well as other parts of your body. Everyone wants to stay young looking for as long as they can. If the area around your eyes or forehead is beginning to sag, a forehead lift may be ideal. Plastic surgeon Dr. Alexander Donath, MD, FACS, performs brow lift surgery in Cincinnati and Dayton, OH, for patients looking to improve this area of their upper face.
A brow lift is an ideal way to improve the appearance of the upper face. When gravity begins to affect our skin, wrinkles and lines start to form around our eyes and forehead. With a brow lift procedure, you can regain a smoother, more youthful look. Here are more benefits of undergoing this procedure.
Rejuvenated Look
A brow lift helps restore your face's natural contours by lifting sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles for a rejuvenated look.
Long-lasting Results
The results from a brow lift generally last for several years, giving you long-term satisfaction with your appearance.
Minimally Invasive Procedure
This procedure is typically done using minimally invasive techniques that result in minimal discomfort and downtime after surgery.
The forehead/ brow area is often the first to show the signs of aging. Here you may see frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and a heavy or drooping eyebrow, all of which can mistakenly result in a tired, sad, or angry expression.
The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a plastic surgery procedure that can improve the early signs of aging in the forehead and brow area of men and women to restore a smoother, more youthful brow. The surgery tightens loose skin and removes excess skin, thus improving the appearance of frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and a heavy brow.
The forehead lift offers a series of benefits for those interested, such as:
Individuals who are looking to improve a sagging brow or deep forehead furrows may be ideal candidates for a brow lift. Most patients range in age from forty to sixty-five, though the surgery can be performed at other ages.
To see how you might benefit from a forehead lift, place your hands at the outside edges of your eyes just above your brows and gently raise the skin upward. As with all forms of cosmetic surgery, patients should be realistic in their expectations of the outcome and they should be in good health. During your consultation, Dr. Donath will help you to decide if the brow lift is right for you and, if necessary, he can recommend additional surgery to help you achieve your desired look. For instance, a forehead lift may be combined with blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) or a facelift to provide a harmonious rejuvenation.
During the consultation for a brow lift, Dr. Donath will meet with you to examine your brow, discuss your goals, and take a thorough medical history. He will consider other factors like your age, skin type, and your attitude toward surgery.
The technique, type of anesthesia, surgical facility, risks, and costs will all be discussed and your questions or concerns addressed.
Brow Lift Before & Afters
*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.
The cost of a brow lift will depend on the individual treatment plan determined by Dr. Donath. At his Cincinnati practice, he will take into account your goals for a youthful appearance and discuss realistic expectations for the results of this surgical procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Donath will help you to decide if the brow lift is right for you and, if necessary, provide an estimate for the cost of the surgery. He will also discuss payment options available to make the procedure more affordable.
IV sedation, twilight anesthesia, or general anesthesia may be used for the forehead lift. The procedure can be performed with a traditional approach or as an endoscopic procedure.
With the traditional approach, the incision is made just behind the hairline running across the top of the head. For the endoscopic approach, several small incisions are made behind the hairline. Working through the incisions, loose skin will be tightened and the excess tissue is removed, thus improving forehead wrinkling and a drooping brow. If necessary, part of the muscle responsible for frown lines may be removed.
The forehead lift typically takes one to two hours to complete. Bandages applied after surgery are usually removed within one to three days.
Patients may experience some temporary discomfort which can be controlled with prescription medication. Some numbness and itching may also occur along the incisions as they heal.
Swelling and bruising are common during the first ten days after surgery and can be alleviated with cold compresses and by elevating the head. Make-up can be used to camouflage any prolonged bruising.
The stitches are usually removed within seven to ten days.
You have worked hard to get the new, more youthful look you’ve always wanted. How can you keep your forehead looking great for years to come? There are a few tips to keep your forehead looking great, such as:
Contact Us for your Forehead Lift in Cincinnati Today
If the aged appearance of your brows is bothersome, Dr. Donath will be happy to meet with you for a consultation to help you decide if this surgery can best meet your needs. Fill out our contact form below to schedule a consultation for your Forehead lift in Cincinnati, OH, today! Our team will be waiting to hear from you.
Patients can expect a recovery time of one to two weeks following a brow lift, with swelling and bruising common during the first 10 days. Cold compresses and head elevation can help reduce discomfort and speed the healing process.
You will be able to go home after your surgery. Be sure to follow your physician’s instructions and rest. You may walk around your house the day of the surgery.
Day 1 and 2 of the surgery you will be allowed to shower and move around the house. Be extra careful showering around the surgical site.
One week after surgery you may return to work with the doctor’s permission. You have just had surgery, so you may wish to return to work on a limited basis, as you may tire easily. If you still have bruises, use makeup to cover it up. Your doctor can recommend the right camouflage makeup for your situation and give you tips about covering your bruises.
One to two weeks after surgery you shouldn’t need pain medication any longer. If this is the case, you will be allowed to drive again.
Most patients can return to work within one to two weeks after the forehead lift, though vigorous activities may be prohibited for a longer period.
Why choose Dr. Donath — Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Contact Us for your Brow Lift in Cincinnati Today
If the aged appearance of your brows is bothersome, Dr. Donath will be happy to meet with you for a consultation to help you decide if this surgery can best meet your needs. Fill out our contact form below to schedule a consultation for your brow lift in Cincinnati, OH, today! Our team will be waiting to hear from you.
While the eyebrow lift may be performed at just about any age, most patients range in age from forty to sixty-five years. This is typically when aging in the brow area is most prominent.
The forehead lift may be performed with IV sedation, twilight anesthesia, or general anesthesia.
Dr. Donath begins the surgery by making the incisions. For a traditional brow lift, the incision runs across the top of the forehead just behind the hairline. For an endoscopic brow lift, there are several small incisions made behind the hairline. Loose skin is tightened, excess skin is removed and, if necessary, a portion of the muscle responsible for frown lines may be removed.
The surgery may take about one to two hours to perform.
Incisions for the forehead lift are typically located behind the hairline. For a traditional eyebrow lift, one long incision is made across the top of the forehead. For an endoscopic brow lift, several small incisions are made in the hairline.
Because the incisions are usually located behind the hairline, the resultant scarring is usually well concealed. The incisions made for the endoscopic brow lift are smaller and result in less scarring than the traditional eyebrow lift.
Some discomfort can be expected after the brow lift which can be managed with medication.
Because the incisions are usually located behind the hairline, the resultant scarring is usually well concealed. The incisions made for the endoscopic brow lift are smaller and result in less scarring than the traditional eyebrow lift.
Some discomfort can be expected after the brow lift which can be managed with medication.
If you live in the states of Ohio or Kentucky, Donath Facial Plastic Surgery offers brow lift among its services. For a full list of services, please visit our Locations page.
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